

Offering a free-guidance call to assist individuals in selecting the optimal service for their needs

Vedic Astrology

Angel Cards

To access the energy of angelic realms and to decode divine messages, Angel Cards are the medium...

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Vedic Astrology

Tarot Cards

Tarot Cards are quite ancient and, are in use since the 15th Century. These cards are generally 78 in...

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Vedic Astrology

Candle Magick

Candle Magick divination is a deep and empowering practice that boosts confidence and evolves a...

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Vedic Astrology

Angel and Crystal Healing

The crystals possess unique energies and come in various colours and shapes. Each colour crystal...

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What Our Clients Say

Our clients testified their experience of our healing practices that provided a profound sense of balance, peace, positive energy and transformative results

Initially, I was skeptical and not confident at all about Tarot and Angel readings, but my experience with Arcade Universe completely changed my perspective. Never imagined that intuitive insights and thoughtful interpretations of cards by an experienced expert could be so life-changing. I was directionless in my life and moving without any goals. Arcade Universe provided me with clarity and guidance, it cleansed my thought process and help me get out of all the negativity out of my life. Thank you Arcade Universe for helping and guiding me in my vulnerable times.

Hetal Doshi - Astrologer

Initially, I was skeptical and not confident at all about Tarot and Angel readings, but my experience with Arcade Universe completely changed my perspective. Never imagined that intuitive insights and thoughtful interpretations of cards by an experienced expert could be so life-changing. I was going through a rough patch in my life and moving without any goals. Arcade Universe provided me with clarity and guidance, it cleansed my thought process and help me get out of all the negativity out of my life. Thank you Arcade Universe for helping and guiding me in my vulnerable times.

Suchandra Ray - Astrologer

Consulting with Arcade Universe experts has been an eye-opening and empowering experience for me. The predictions and readings resonated deeply with my current life situation and provided me with guidance to sail through these challenges. It changed my perspective on life and renewed my sense of hope. Arcade Universe services are highly recommended to anyone seeking guidance.

Arpita Basu - Astrologer

Crystal Healing through Arcade Universe was truly transformative for me. The energy and resonance of the crystals brought a deep sense of calmness and balance into my life. It helped me take out the negativity and find inner peace. I am stunned by the positive shift I have felt and I recommend Arcade Universe to anyone seeking healing and spiritual growth.

Arnab Basak - Astrologer

The flame of the candle represents fire. Fire being an element is not just important but inevitable as well. I never knew candles can bring about so much magic in one’s life. The symbolism and intention infused into each can bring a powerful focus on desires and goals. Choosing Candle Magick healings through Arcade Universe I have witnessed my intentions manifest with a profound sense of connection to my inner self and the energies around me. Highly recommended.

Rahul Roy. - Astrologer

The flame of the candle represents fire. Fire being an element is not just important but inevitable as well. I never knew candles can bring about so much magic in one’s life. The symbolism and intention infused into each can bring a powerful focus on desires and goals. Choosing Candle Magick healings through Arcade Universe I have witnessed my intentions manifest with a profound sense of connection to my inner self and the energies around me. Highly recommended.

Tista Sengupta - Astrologer